SEREN – Structured Education Reassuring Empowering Nurturing
SEREN is a structured education programme for children and young people (CYP) with Type 1 diabetes and their families.
It has been designed by health professionals working across Wales. The first module ‘Diabetes at diagnosis’ is delivered face to face to all newly diagnosed CYP and their families.
The education has been tailored for children of different ages and abilities, as well as their parents and carers. It is available in English and requires access to a digital device connected to the internet.
This digital module complements the face to face education. It is split into different topics, which you can complete at your own pace. Each section contains information as well as interactive resources such as videos, animations and a quiz at the end. The learning objectives are listed at the beginning of each section so you know what will be covered.
The first digital module, key stage 3 (KS3), has been completed. Click on the icon below to create an account and get started:
Additional face to face group modules:

SEREN Active
This interactive face-to-face group session has been designed to be delivered to children with Type 1 diabetes, aged between 7 and 11, to help them manage diabetes during exercise.

SEREN Moving to year 7
This SEREN face-to-face group session has been designed to be delivered to young people with Type 1 diabetes, currently in year 6, to help them prepare for the move to secondary school.

An interactive group session for CYP and their families who are starting insulin pump therapy.
SEREN BERTIE Collaboration
SEREN Digital have been developed in collaboration by the BERTIE team at University Hospitals Dorset. BERTIE is a QISMET accredited education programme for adults with Type 1 diabetes and they have lots of useful resources and information for young adults. You can sign up for free. Visit
Meet the SEREN team

Claire Baker

Dr Nirupa D’souza

Dr Rebekah Pryce

Yvonne Davies

The SEREN team would like to dedicate this digital module to the memory of Gill Regan. Gill devoted her career to the progression of paediatric diabetes education, working within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, and her pioneering approach touched the lives of countless families. She was passionate about promoting the message that having Type 1 diabetes does not prevent young people from participating or excelling in sports. Gill developed a number of resources for CYP with Type 1 diabetes, used widely across the UK, and was co-author of the SEREN Active module.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this digital module. The digital resources have been developed from the ‘Diabetes at diagnosis’ workbooks. See workbook versions 1 and 2 for original contributors. A huge thank you is extended to all the children and young people who participated in the videos and voiceovers and provided feedback on the content, and to Howells School, Cardiff, for providing the filming location.
The SEREN group continues to be grateful for the funding received from the Welsh government via AWDIG as well as the Accelerate programme for providing additional funding for the digital module.
If you are a health professional working outside of Wales and would like to find out more about SEREN, please get in touch with the SEREN team: